Sunday, January 31, 2021

Initial Storyboard Post

 This story board was created based on the ideas of dangerous  masks, which was inspired by the recent pandemic. Masks are a central aspect of student life and school regulations, and as a result would be understandable as to why students would be asked to wear them. However, the antagonistic teacher has a fatal idea when this pandemic emerges. Sicking or killing students by using toxic chemical mixtures on new masks is the goal of this teacher. Everything appears normal from the student’s perspective, until they drop dead. This film opening will feature many low lighting scenes , and a multitude of cutaway shots to contrast the difference between the students perspective and the antagonist. The audience will be captivated by this mystery/thriller.

Monday, January 25, 2021

"Movie Opener Brainstorming & Research."


1) “Rise”

· Diegetic sounds/music, becomes louder on screen for the audience to hear

· Lots of close-up shots of specific objects, which draw attention to them from the viewers

· Follow shot, focus on the movement of the ball

· Cut shot, cuts from a black screen to the main character

· Follow shots and low shots

· Cuts to a different character

· Music stops

2) “Offline”

Has all the tittle credits and all those involved in the film listed clearly

Low lighting, which sets the stage for a dark mood

Cutway from multiple scenes, back to the original theme or caption

Non-diegtic sounds that the main characters do not appear to hear, such as spooky music.

Several close-up shots to show the subjects raw emotions

3) “Dear Lover”
Starts with symbolism and rippling waters

Diegetic sounds and clear music

Close ups/ raw emotions

Clear narrations

Cut away shots, from present day to past day shots

4) “Dare to Thrill Film”

Appears to have lettering

Non diegetic music that the characters cannot hear

Follow shots

5) “ Always Watching”

Narration and tittle are present at the beginning of the film

Follow shot follows the subject to show the relationship between subjects

Low lighting and music picks up as the plot develops

6)” Blue Boar”
Follow shot, symbolism within the use of plants and trees

Note of the Mise en Scene and high lighting

Use of signing/sound

Appears to fit the time age

7) “ White Coat”
Tittle is displayed in an interesting way

Dark lighting as subject is introduced, giving feelings of suspense

Emphasis on the chemicals used in the labs, givings meaning to film tittle.

8) “ Stalker”

Begins with a close up of the subjects face

Changing of lighting

Tittle is introduced later in the film

Cut aways to different periods of time with dark lighting is used to create suspense

9) “ Nostalgia”

Use of cartoon and animated lighting

Camera angles used to potray through the subjects eyes

Use of Non- diegitic Music

Paintings and different objects used to bring back the feelings of “ nostalgia”

In observing all these opening films, the common themes of diegetic sounds and repeating themes encouraged me to incorporate such symbolic elements into the opening. The lighting and Mise En Scene costuming also provided a good outlight for brainstorming, as did the building of suspense and relationships with characters.





Thursday, January 14, 2021

Semester Exam - Film Analyses of Black Mirror (season3, episode 4, San Junipero)

The extract from " Black Mirror" develops elements of mystery and unlikely friendship beginning with the use of Non-diegetic sounds of a river. The opening scene features this low -lit scene of flowing river , which leads the audience to feel unease or apprehensive of the plot. Low key styled lighting works to give the river a deeper meaning, making it appear more sinister rather than peaceful, as many rivers typically symbolize. The opening scene then dissolves into a cutaway shot to the formation of a bustling city, providing a contrast in the Mise-En- Scene elements of sound ( from near silence to rush of the city life). As a car full of rowdy women and men pass by the main subject, the contrast in her quiet , reserved personality gives meaning and indication of what her life may be like .

Diegetic sound is introduced in the form of blaring club music the next shot, where the main subject finds herself wandering into a contrast social scene: a club. The Mise-En-Scene element of low lighting is again a symbolic contrast between what the subject is used to, as the audience can infer from the elements of costuming the character wears. As the follow shot of the subject is established when she wanders through the club, the obvious contrast again between the casual, plaid shirt the character is wearing and the formal, dresses all of the background characters are wearing at the club is demonstrating raw emotions of anxiety from the subject.

In the proceeding scene, the subject is involved in an establishing shot between her and the arcade present in this nightclub. A close up of her facial expression shows the audience her relaxation when seeing these games, providing more meanful insight, again about her personality and activities that she engages in. At this point in the plot, the introvertedness of the main subject is clearly demonstrated to the audience. A side character is introduced to the scene, in which the element of blocking establishes the awkward feel of his presence. This side character is placed to the side of the video game console the main character is present near, reinforcing the relationship between this side character and the main character to be uncomfortable. This character attempts to make conversation by showing the commonalities between him and the main subject, but as the Non-diegetic music picks up tempo , the subject becomes alarmed and the audience feels tension. It is clear that the symbolism behind the video game that this side character shows our subject relates to the overall mystery of the plot, which another establishing shot of our main character's facial expressions demonstrate.

This scene cuts to another form of symbolism seen by the drink the character is sipping. It appears to the audience as some form of soda, and even so, the main subject seems reluctant to drink it. This , again, displays meaning through the notion that our main subject is more reserved and even shows potential of being " a goody two shoes". The abrupt contrast in how Kelly, another main subject, enters the wide shot is worth noting for the audience's interpretation of the plot. The confidence Kelly displays through her contrast in costuming, bold makeup, heels, and manner of movement is the opposite of our main subject. Kelly sits down and tells our main subject to, " do whatever I say, go".

The two main subjects bond over the differences seen in the elements of Mise-En-Scene acting, where Kelly is more lax with the subject, seen by her dialogue and mannerisms. The contrast in the positioning of the main subject's body language ( hands crossed, more rigid), and Kelly's openness of her body helps contribute to this scenes overall meaning. The contrast in personalities eluded to a better match in a friendship, which can be inferred by the audience through the friendliness in dialogue.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Film 2- White Chicks

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? About 15 titles are displayed , such as different famous authors and directors.

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The opening of this film depicts the logo of the film with two men standing inside of it, foreshadowing the plot of the movie and what the film will be about.

What connotations do the images carry? The opening scene depicts a city filled with crowds, and a run- down infrastructure, leading the audience to believe that the city could model a possible high level of crime. The main characters, dressed as two older men comedians, demonstrating the nature of their jobs through the way they were acting. The white van featured in the opening of the tittle also indicates suspicious activity, as this is typically a signal of crime. 

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? The use of diegetic sounds in the introduction gives a comedical dramatic tone, mixed with the action-packed movement of this plot. The close ups on the main subjects faces when the true identies of the Hispanic men are divulged adds to the overall suspense of this plot. The fast-moving music and Oblique and even Low shots demonstrate how the characters are moving and acting, adding to the action/drama genre. 

How does the film establish an enigma from the outset? The audience does not know if the main’s subjects' mission will go smoothly. In fact, one of the characters is hurt when trying to stop the antagonist. In addition to this, the antagonists are not caught, leaving the audience to wonder how the boss will react to this knowledge. 

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? High impact fights and fast moving plots allows for the appealing of this film. 

How has technology been used effectively? You might want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques.

The opening project of the film, with my group Zoe , Chandler and Miguel will be the comedy genre. We are excited to demonstrate our knowledge through this collaboration.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Film Opening Research #1 – Mean Girls” and

"Film Opening Research #1 - Mean Girls"
Mean Girls:

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? A variety of famous directors and actors, such as Rachel McAdams, Tim Meadows, and Lindsay Lohn. Twenty tittles were shown throughout the opening scene of this movie: starting in order from the actors of this movie and continuing to the directors and costume designers.

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The images prioritized in the opening scene was the yellow bus present once again in the closing scene of the movie. This bus symbolizes the characteristics of school, and how fast Cady’s life is changing. Her parents standing on one side, with groups of different high school stereotypical students standing on another, showing that push in Cady’s high school life. Close ups of Cady’s face are also seen, showing the raw emotion and fear that she feels about entering a different, unfamiliar setting. 

What connotations do the images carry? These images contain a negative connotation, showing how Cady’s life was going to be in for a possible revolutionary change. Cady begins the movie with displaying a naïve, unsure, but kind character. The plot continues to develop, and through different elements of Mise en Scene and costume changes, Cady displays a cockier character (seen from the reference to the separation of the high school students and her parents during the opening scene of the movie.)

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? The Drama is reinforced through the symbolic depictions of the different high school students, the unfriendliness of the staff, and the yellow school bus. The audience can infer that a drama will be taking place from the different Hollywood like lighting, use of music, and unique characters. The narration present in the opening also indicates that the character will likely go through a change, like many drama genres feature.

How does the film establish an enigma from the outset? The film presents the mystery of the development of the main character, Cady. How will she turn out? Will she continue to be shy, or will she become confident and make friends? What will her experience in her first public high school be like?

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? By using young, hip actors, young teenagers will be more likely to watch the film.

How has technology been used effectively? You might want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques. Using modern day costuming and elements gives the characters a greater resignation with the audience. The use of close ups and different shots establishes the connection between the characters and the young audience. The establishing shots and high lighting bring the raw emotion of the high school years back to life for the audience.

CCR Behind the Mask