Friday, March 12, 2021

Weeks 6 and 7 editing

Weeks 6 and 7 editing of Film
photos of the computer screen during editing
Picture 1) The student Cayley McCloskey is seen editing the first clips of the film " Behind the Mask". The inconspicuous antagonist, the "innocent" school teacher was filmed watching students from her courtyard window as a close-up shot. From here the scene was combined with a pan shot of the classroom , which is what is seen in picture 1.
Pictures 2/3) My peer and partner, Miguel, is seen editing the scene with students in the classroom being incited with by the antagonist.

Photos 2 and 3 of the students involved in editing are Cayley McCloskey and Miguel G.
Our discussion about titles and fonts that will be included in the movie concluded by a mutual decision of using maroon and bright red colors, so that it the genre is clear. A bright red color will give the audience the feelings of unease, as this film opening is a thriller genre. It will add life and character to the movie before it even begins.
a discussion of the video effects used- For a thriller film, the aspects of adding sounds, such as suspenseful background music transitions, or changing the hues and cutting to emphasize the drama elements of the film will be used. Effects such as cutaways, and diegetic sound elements will create suspense.
a discussion of the video transitions used- Cutaways will be the main focus during our opening film. The fast paced plot will be developed through the use of these cutaways, blending scenes, an fading to dramatic colors such as blacks.
a discussion of the audio effects used- Audio effects will include laugher, rapid and dark music, orchestral snippets, and screams.
problems encountered during editing- During editing, our group determined that some of the shots we had filmed were too short to be included in the process. Therefore, editing would be difficult as would meeting the time requirements for the opening film.
solutions to problems encountered during editing- Our group decided to refilm some shots of our subjects, and focus less on gathering short clips.
amount of time spent editing- two hours
people involved in editing- Zoe F,Cayley Mccloskey
a discussion of additional filming you may have done-

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CCR Behind the Mask