Sunday, January 10, 2021

Film Opening Research #1 – Mean Girls” and

"Film Opening Research #1 - Mean Girls"
Mean Girls:

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? A variety of famous directors and actors, such as Rachel McAdams, Tim Meadows, and Lindsay Lohn. Twenty tittles were shown throughout the opening scene of this movie: starting in order from the actors of this movie and continuing to the directors and costume designers.

What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The images prioritized in the opening scene was the yellow bus present once again in the closing scene of the movie. This bus symbolizes the characteristics of school, and how fast Cady’s life is changing. Her parents standing on one side, with groups of different high school stereotypical students standing on another, showing that push in Cady’s high school life. Close ups of Cady’s face are also seen, showing the raw emotion and fear that she feels about entering a different, unfamiliar setting. 

What connotations do the images carry? These images contain a negative connotation, showing how Cady’s life was going to be in for a possible revolutionary change. Cady begins the movie with displaying a naïve, unsure, but kind character. The plot continues to develop, and through different elements of Mise en Scene and costume changes, Cady displays a cockier character (seen from the reference to the separation of the high school students and her parents during the opening scene of the movie.)

How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? The Drama is reinforced through the symbolic depictions of the different high school students, the unfriendliness of the staff, and the yellow school bus. The audience can infer that a drama will be taking place from the different Hollywood like lighting, use of music, and unique characters. The narration present in the opening also indicates that the character will likely go through a change, like many drama genres feature.

How does the film establish an enigma from the outset? The film presents the mystery of the development of the main character, Cady. How will she turn out? Will she continue to be shy, or will she become confident and make friends? What will her experience in her first public high school be like?

What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? By using young, hip actors, young teenagers will be more likely to watch the film.

How has technology been used effectively? You might want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques. Using modern day costuming and elements gives the characters a greater resignation with the audience. The use of close ups and different shots establishes the connection between the characters and the young audience. The establishing shots and high lighting bring the raw emotion of the high school years back to life for the audience.

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