Friday, March 12, 2021

Week 7 Editing : Behind the Mask

This week and next you will begin editing your movie opening. You will once again make two post to your blog, one this week and one next week, during this process. Each of these post should contain:

photos of the computer screen during editing

a discussion about titles and fonts you decided to put into your movie- This week, our group discussed how we would rather have colorless words transform the screen rather than red/maroon. Adding a slow introduction to the characters along with these white credits will be more effective.
a discussion of the video effects used- This week we added in new transitions , such as panning and cutting away shots. More close ups were also used.
a discussion of the video transitions used- The transitions between scenes became more seamless as we editied them. It was a lot of little clips, which was a bit difficult to construct at first.
a discussion of the audio effects used- The audio effects used was diegetic and non- diegetic sounds.
problems encountered during editing- With the clips being a bit longer this week, it was imperative to focus on adding smooth transitions. This was hard to complete given the time frame.
solutions to problems encountered during editing- Used more effective transitions/ longer clips.
amount of time spent editing- The amount of time we spent editing was two hours.
people involved in editing- The people involved during editing were Zoe and I.
a discussion of additional filming you may have done-

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CCR Behind the Mask